
Name of the service provider: Berta Bodrogi

Office: 2131 Göd, Árvácska utca 13.


Tax number: 57778343-1-33

Company registration number: 57599726

Name of the hosting provider: Nethely Kft.

Office: 1115 Budapest, Halmi utca 29.

Headquarter: 6724 Szeged, Teréz utca 34.



(Legislative basis of the above: Act CVIII of 2001 on certain issues of electronic commercial services and services related to the information society, § 4)


The author’s content on the website – including, but not limited to, texts, design, images, figures and content – is the property of the Service Provider. The copyrighted content found here and the content used under exclusive license are protected by Hungarian copyright laws and international copyright laws. Modifying, copying, duplicating, republishing, uploading, downloading, sending by mail or otherwise, making it available, making it available for viewing by the public, using it to create other materials, creating links pointing to it, transferring it, selling it, or other its use for public or commercial purposes may only take place with the express written permission of the Service Provider.

Without the express written permission of the service provider, it is prohibited to modify, copy, duplicate, republish, upload, download, transmit by mail or otherwise, make available, make it available to the public, and use or sell it to create other materials without the express written permission of the service provider. , or its use for other public or commercial purposes.